If you’ve never had acupuncture this is an obvious question to ask. However acupuncture needles are extremely fine and usually you will just feel a sensation like a mosquito bite as the needle is inserted. The sensation does vary depending on where the needles are inserted but very few people say acupuncture hurts. They are usually more concerned about whether acupuncture will work for them and whether the needles are clean (acupuncture needles are single-use disposables).
Author: Claudia Weitkemper
Claudia Weitkemper is Women’s Health specialist and her passion is to help you raise your vibration, heal Body, Mind & Spirit, balance your hormones and help you with fertility challenges. She utilizes Acupuncture, Western and Chinese Herbs, Bach flowers, Whole Food Supplements, Energy Healing, Nutrition, and Lifestyle consulting, Coaching, as well as Yoga techniques to treat and restore your well-being.