Whether you are just beginning to plan for pregnancy and would like to increase your chances, or whether you have been trying for years . . . whether you are conceiving naturally or with the help of reproductive medical techniques . . . acupuncture can help you.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to enhance fertility. By improving the flow of energy and blood in the body, correcting imbalances, and by bringing the body into its optimum state of relaxation and equilibrium, acupuncture can help to create more ideal conditions for pregnancy to take place.
Thanks to the many studies that have been done, as well as clinical observation, most fertility doctors recognize the benefits of acupuncture for body-mind wellness. It is also one of the only known methods to increase blood circulation to the reproductive organs, a key factor in fertility.
In addition to Acupuncture, Naturopathic Medicine and Herbal Supplements I will help you to balance your hormones through Applied Kinesiology and Nutrition advice.
If your journey to parenthood involves medical treatments such as ovulation induction through medication, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or in vitro fertilization (IVF), you will benefit from complementary care with acupuncture. Not only can acupuncture help to increase the chance of success with your medical fertility treatments, but it can also reduce the side effects of the medications, and help you to feel better emotionally and physically throughout the process.
Studies show that acupuncture treatments performed right before and right after an embryo transfer increases the rate of success. I have performed hundreds of these treatments, and I follow a research-based protocol for treatments on transfer day and right after.
When male factor is involved, complementary medicine is an excellent resource. As many men seem to find it challenging to find time for regular acupuncture treatment, I have developed protocols for men that do not require acupuncture, but only nutritional and herbal therapy. We begin with one initial consult, to gather information from which I customize a personalized nutritional and herbal program. This will be followed by a brief follow-up visit or phone calls to monitor your progress. Excellent results can often be obtained not only with low sperm count or motility, but also in the case of varicocele, surgery can often be avoided. In a recent study in China, 80% of the men treated for varicocele achieved a reversal in their condition, with herbal medicine as the only treatment.
Acupuncture can help you to relax and feel well throughout your pregnancy. Regular treatment, especially during the first trimester, may reduce your chances of miscarriage. Morning sickness can be eased, stress, insomnia, and aches and pains alleviated. At a time when most kinds of herbs, painkillers and other medications are contra-indicated, acupuncture is a safe form of treatment you can turn to.
To make an appointment, please call my office: 510-978-3444
Or email me at: naturalhealingways@gmail.com