There are many ways to use clay externally. Clay can help many different conditions, from skin disorders to general detoxification.
Even so, all the different mechanisms through which it’s therapeutic qualities work are not completely understood. Clay consumers are often discovering new uses for calcium bentonite clay. The book Living Clay Nature’s Own Miracle Cure by Perry Arledge is an excellent resource for anyone committed to using clay as part of a healthy lifestyle. Nearly half of the book’s pages contain conditions and protocols for using calcium bentonite green clay. All orders come with printed instructions on mixing and storing clay. A downloadable brochure with instructions is available on the More Clay Info page under Learn or by following the hyperlink shown.
Clay Baths
Bathing in clay allows the body to be almost entirely submersed in a mild concentration of top quality ionic earth… the adsorptive properties of which have a multitude of beneficial effects. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. This organ is a permeable membrane, constantly taking in new substances and expelling wastes. The drawing power of calcium bentonite green clay naturally pulls heavy metals and other positively charged toxins out through the pores of the skin in a safe and gentle manner. The high mineral content and vitalizing properties of the clay also make it an amazing cosmetic tool, which leave the skin looking and feeling amazing after a bath. Often, the skin will be red after a bath, which is to be expected. This indicates that the clay has aided the body in increasing circulation at the surface of the skin, hence the redness. A typical clay bath for an adult is drawn by adding 8 ounces of calcium bentonite green clay under the faucet as the tub fills. Bathing can take 20 minutes to 40 minutes, depending on the individual. Up to 16 ounces of clay may be used for an adult, however, staying in such a bath longer than 20 minutes can lead to feelings of nausea and illness as the detoxification process is more intensive. This response is called the “Herxheimer reaction” or “healing crisis”, and is a very reliable sign that the clay is working its magic effectively.
For children under 20 pounds, add 4 ounces of bath clay to running water in the tub. The child should not stay in the bath more than 5 minutes. Every child is different. Listen and observe for what is right for their individual constitution. For children between 20 and 50 pounds, add 4 to 6 ounces of clay to the bath and let the child bathe for between 5 and 10 minutes, depending on the child. For children greater than 50 pounds, one of our 8 ounce clay baths can be added to the water and the child can bathe for up to 10 minutes, depending on the child. Don’t worry – when rinsed down the drain with plenty of water, clay is safe for sewer systems and septic tanks.
Packs, Patches and Poultices
For a more localized and concentrated use of clay’s healing effects, packs, patches, and poultices can be applied at the site of a condition needing attention. Although applied externally, poultices and patches can be applied over specific organs. Clay can be used for common localized conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, spider veins and warts through a concentrated approach with hydrated clay. When combined with internal use, conditions typically change more quickly. When left in contact with the skin for extended periods of time, the clay will bind with many of the viruses, bacteria, and toxins associated with these maladies and carry them away as it is washed off.
Clay has a long history as a first aid tool. Especially in circumstances where no other aid was available, clay packs and bandages have been applied to severe cuts, bruises, lacerations and abrasions.
To make a patch or poultice, combine 1 part calcium bentonite green clay 1 part filtered water. Mix with a plastic spoon or plastic spatula until a smooth consistency is obtained. Let sit overnight before use, if feasible, and store in a clean, airtight glass or food-grade plastic container. Should the mixture dry out over time, simply add more filtered water to the desired consistency. Store out of direct sunlight.
Masks and Wraps
One of the most common ways calcium bentonite clay is marketed today is in the form of masks and muds. The same benefits of bathing in clay can be achieved with clay masks and wraps. The skin is a permeable organ that allows substances to enter the body as well as to exit the body. Hydrated clay placed on the skin draws bacteria and other positively charged toxins to the skins surface, where it is washed away. Redness at the site of application of hydrated clay is common and indicates that the circulation at the site has been increased.
To make a clay mask, combine 1 part calcium bentonite green clay 3 parts filtered water to a smooth, creamy consistency. Mix with a plastic spoon or plastic spatula. Let sit overnight before use if possible. When ready to use, apply a thin coat to skin and allow to dry. Rinse off with warm water and if needed, a wash cloth. Follow with a high quality facial moisturizer
Internal Uses of Clay
Though the practice of consuming what is considered by some to be an inedible substance sounds isolated and esoteric, the cultural dietary history of calcium bentonite clay for health and nutritional purposes is well-documented. In fact, today many of the world’s impoverished nations still attain a significant portion of their bodily mineral requirements directly from the Earth.
In some cultures, quality clays have been more highly valued than the more conventional treasures of precious metals and jewels. Several different Native American tribes depended on the negative ionic properties of local clays to leech toxins from potentially hazardous food and drinking sources, such as bitter acorns or diseased waters. Had accidental ingestion of toxic compounds occurred, digestion of clay was usually enough to bind with and pass the offending agents out of the body. Instinctually, animals all the way from bugs to bird to primates will eat natural deposits of clay as a response to accidental toxic ingestion or mineral scarcity.
In other cultures, including present day India, inhabitants consume small amounts of Earth everyday to ensure proper mineralization, and many live long, healthy lives in conditions that would otherwise be considered counter to a healthy lifestyle. Many attribute their longevity and vitality to the clay they incorporate into their diet and lifestyle.
While a clay compress or poultice can provide help and relief to a particular localized area on the body, drinking clay can have the same effects for internal organs and every part of the body reached by the circulatory system. Clay ingestion has specifically been noted for its use on the gastrointestinal tract and maladies that commonly plague it including constipation and inflammation.
Today, through improved scientific understanding and refined production methods, people no longer have to eat handfuls of dirt to achieve these same results. Humans know specifically which clays hold which qualities and mineral concentrations. Subsurface volcanic calcium bentonite green clay has historically been preferred over other types of clay for its internal uses as a food and a supplement.
Mix 1 part clay to 8 parts filtered water or juice and shake well prior to drinking. Add a natural sweetener if desired. Clay can also be added to shakes and smoothies. Many cultures have even been known to bake clay into their breads and other staple foods.
Mixing Instructions
For internal use, we suggest mixing one part pure calcium bentonite green clay with eight parts purified water or juice. An example of this 1:8 ratio is to mix 1/4 cup (4 ounces) dry clay with 2 cups (16 ounces) of water. Clay only becomes ‘living’ or activated when it is hydrated. Mix the clay and liquid in a glass or food-grade plastic bottle and shake well. Avoid metal containers or utensils. Once mixed well, drink as desired.